1. W.B. Pearson, A Handbook of Lattice Spacings and Structures of Met.als and Alloys (New York: Pergamon Press, 1958).
2. P. Villars and L.D. Calvert, Pearson’s Handbook of Crystallographic Data for Intermetallic Phases (Metals Park, OH: ASM, 1985).
3. V. Biringuccio, De la Pirotechnia (Venice, 1540); translated from the original 1st edition by C.S. Smith and M.T. Gnudi (New York: AIME, 1943).
4. G. Agricola, De Re Metallica (Basel, 1556); translated by H.C. Hoover and L.H. Hoover, The Mining Magazine, London (1902); reprinted by Dover Publ. (New York, 1950).
5. F.A. Abel, Van Nostrand’s Engineering Mag., 28 (1883), pp. 446–452.