1. G. Grätzer,Universal Algebra, The University Series in Higher Math., D. Van Nostrand Co. Inc., Princeton, N. J., 1968.
2. A. Kisielewicz, On idempotent algebras with $$p_n \left( \mathfrak{A} \right) = 2n\left( {n > 1} \right)$$ , Algebra Universalis (to appear).
3. A. Kisielewicz,The p n-sequences of idempotent algebras are strictly increasing, Algebra Universalis (to appear).
4. J. Płonka,Diagonal algebras, Fund. Math.,58 (1966), 309–322.
5. J. Płonka,On algebras with n distinct essentially n-ary operations, Algebra Universalis1 (1971), 73–79.