1. 104th Congress, House of Representatives (1996) Water Resources Development Act of 1996 (WRDA 1996). 104th Congress. Washington, DC
2. 99th Congress, House of Representatives (1986) Water Resources Development Act of 1986 (WRDA 1986), Report 99-1013. 99th Congress. Washington, DC
3. Alabama State Port Authority. Port facts. http://www.asdd.com/portfacts.html . Accessed 20 July 2012
4. Alabama Wildlife Federation. Wetland and habitat. http://www.alabamawildlife.org/stewardship/?pageID=54 . Accessed 3 July 2012
5. Anderson MJ, Barkdoll BD (2009) Environmental aspects of dredging: what about air quality? Proceedings of the 2009 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Kansas City, Missouri, United States, pp 3300–3309