1. R. Alur, T.A. Henzinger, and P.-H. Ho. Automatic symbolic verification of embedded systems. IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering, 22(3):181–201, Mar 1996.
2. A. Chutinan and B.H. Krogh. Computing approximating automata for a class of hybrid systems. Mathematical Modeling of Systems: Special Issue on Discrete Event Models of Continuous Systems, submitted.
3. J.E.R. Cury, B.H. Krogh, and T. Niinomi. Synthesis of supervisory controllers for hybrid systems based on approximating automata. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, to appear in the Special Issue on Hybrid Systems, 1997. a preliminary version of this paper also appeared in Proc. 34th IEEE CDC, pp. 1461–1466.
4. P.W. Glynn. A gsmp formalism for discrete event systems. Proceedings of the IEEE, 77(1):14–23, Jan 1989.
5. B.H. Krogh. Condition/event signal interfaces for block diagram modeling and analysis of hybrid systems. In Proc. 1993 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, pages 180–185, Aug 1993.