1. For a recent overview of these CO2-related issues and a moderate-sized bibliography, see Chapter 8 of Schneider, S. H. and Londer, R. S., 1984,The Coevolution of Climate and Life, Sierra Club Books, San Francisco.
2. Seiler, W. and Crutzen, P. J.: 1980, ‘Estimates of Gross and Net Fluxes of Carbon between the Biosphere and the Atmosphere from Biomass Burning’,Climatic Change 2, 207–247.
3. Stanhill, G.: 1982, ‘The Montsouris Series of Carbon Dioxide Concentration Measurements, 1877–1910’,Climatic Change 4, 221–237.
4. Annals of Glaciology, 1983, Vol. 5, International Glaciological Society Cambridge (in press).
5. Clark, W. C.et al.: 1982, ‘The Carbon Dioxide Question: A Perspective for 1982’, in W. C. Clark (ed.),Carbon Dioxide Review 1982, Oxford University Press, New York, 3–44; see p. 16.