1. Chopra, R. N., Badhwar, R. L. and Ghosh, S.Poisonous Plants of India, Manager of Publications, Delhi, 1949,1, 608.
2. Rangaswami, S. and Sambamurthy, K.Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci., 1959,50 A, 366.
3. Tattersfield, F.et al. ..Kew Bull. (London), 1948, No.3, 329; taken fromChem. Abs., 1949,43, 3556.
4. See Chopra, R. N., Badhwar, R. L. and Ghosh, S.Poisonous Plants of India, Manager of Publications, Delhi, 1949,1, 610.
5. Booth, A. N. and DeEds, F.J. Am. Pharm. Assocn. Sci. ed., 1951,40, 384.