1. Binner, P. R. Program performance as a function of diagnosis: An output value analysis. Presented at the Institute on Planning and Evaluation of Mental Health Programs, Memphis, April 19–20, 1973.
2. Binner, P. R. An output value analysis of schizophrenic patients at the Fort Logan Mental Health Center. Presented at the Institute on Psychosocial Treatment of Schizophrenia, American Orthopsychiatric Association, New York, May 28–June 1, 1973.
3. Binner, P. R. Evaluation of program needs and program results: An overview. Paper prepared for a symposium on Operations Research at the John Hopkins University, School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, January, 1974.
4. Binner, P. R. Output Value Analysis: An Overview. InInformation and feedback for evaluation, Vol. II, Proceeding of Information and Feedback Conference, York University, Toronto, Canada, November, 1974, in press.
5. Binner, P. R. & Coates, C. J. Coping with accountability: Workload and output value measures. Paper presented at the Second Annual Meeting of the Western Conference on Mental Health Program Management. San Diego, October, 1973.