1. G.F. Tisinai, J.K. Stanley, and C.H. Samans, “Austenitic Fe-Cr-C-N Stainless Steels”,Trans. ASM, 48, 356–367 (1956). (Experimental; #)
2. V.S. Mozgovoi and A.M. Samarin, “Solubility of Nitrogen in Cr-C, Cr-Fe, and Cr-Fe-C Alloys,”Fiz.-Khim. Osnovy Priozvodstva Stali, Akad. Nauk SSSR, Inst. Met., A. A. Baikov, Trudy 3rd Konf., 1955,586-589 (1957) in Russian. (Experimen- tal)
3. K. Bungardt, E. Kunze, and E. Horn, “Investigation of the Constitution of the Iron-Chromium-Carbon System,”Arch. Eisenhuttenwes.,29(3), 193–203 (1958) in German. (Experi- mental; #)
4. Y. Imai, T. Masumoto, and M. Naka, “Structural Dia- grams of the Quaternary 18% Cr-Fe-C-N System,”Nippon Kinzoku Gakkai-Si, 30 (8), 747–754 (1966) in Japanese; TR:Sci. Rep. Res. Inst. Tohoku Univ. A, 19 (2), 83–96 (1967). (Experi- mental; #)
5. Y. Imai, T. Masumoto, and K. Maeda, “Structural Dia- grams and Phase Reactions of Fe-Cr-N Ternary System,”Sci. Rep. Res. Inst. Tohoku Univ. A, 19, 35–49(1967). (Experimental; #)