1. K. Konishi, A. Ukawa andG. Veneziano:Phys. Lett. B,78, 243 (1978);80, 259 (1979);Nucl. Phys. B,157, 45 (1979);
2. K. Konishi: talk presented at theSymposiumon Jets, NBI-Nordita Copenhagen, Kutherford preprint EL-78077 (1978);
3. G. Veneziano: talk presented at theXIX International Conference on High-Energy Physics (Tokyo, 1978), and references quoted therein;d) G. Veneziano : talk presented17 — 11 Nuovo Cimento A. at theIII Workshop on Current Problems in High-Energy Particle Theory, Florence,May 1979.
4. A. Giovannini:Nucl. Phys. B,161, 429 (1979);
5. A. Giovannini: inProceedings of the II International Symposium on ≪ Hadron Structure and Multiparticle Production ≫,Kazimiere (Poland), May 1979;