1. Indicates key paper33The: E. Therkelsen, “Properties of the Alloys of Nickel with Tantalum”,Met. Alloys, 4, 105–108 (1933). (Equi Diagram: Experimental; Indicates presence of phase diagram).
2. 41Wal: H. J. Wallbaum, “On the Fe−Ti, Fe−Zr, Fe−Nb, and Fe−Zn Systems”,Arch. Eisenhüttenwes., 14(10), 521–526 (1941) in German. (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental; Indicates presence of a phase diagram).
3. 43Wal: H. J. Wallbaum, “An Account on the Alloying Chemistry of the Transition Metals”,Naturwissenschaften, 31, 91–92 (1943) in German. (Crys Structure; Experimental)
4. Indicates key paper49Kub: O. Kubaschewski and H. Speidel, “Oxidation Resistance and Some Phase Relationships in the Systems Chromium-Tantalum-Nickel”,J. Inst. Met., 75, 417–430 (1948–1949). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental; Indicates presence of a phase diagram).
5. 51Kar: N. Karlsson, “An X-Ray Study of the Phases in the Copper-Titanium System”,J. Inst. Met., 79, 391–405 (1951). (Crys Structure; Experimental)