1. Bayer. Geol. Landesamt (ed.), 1974: Die Forschungsbohrung Nördlingen 1973. Geologica Bavarica 72, München, Germany, 98 p.
2. Burrows, A.G. and H.C. Rickaby, 1929: Sudbury Basin Area. Ontario Dept. Mines, Ann. Rept. 38, pt. 3.
3. Card, K.D., 1978: Geology of the Sudbury-Manitoulin Area, Districts of Sudbury and Manitoulin; Ontario Geol. Surv., Report 166, 238 p. Accompanied by Map 2360, scale 1 inch to 2 miles or 1:126,720 and 4 charts.
4. Card, K.D. and R.W. Hutchinson, 1972: The Sudbury Structure: Its Regional Geological Setting. In: New Developments in Sudbury Geology (Guy-Bray, J.V., ed.). Geol. Assoc. Can., Spec. Paper 10, 67–78.
5. Cooke, H.C., 1946: Problems of Sudbury Geology. Geol. Surv. Can., Bull. 3, 77 p.