1. Doetsch: (Dort ausführliches Literaturverzeichnis).
2. § 1. Campbell, G. A., Foster, R. M.: Fourier Integrals. Bell Telephone Monograph B—584 (1931). Howell, W. T.: Wie in Kap. V, § 4. — Zahlreiche Resultate implizit bei Watson und Whittaker-Watson.
3. § 2. Humbert-Mac Lachlan, Mac Lachlan: (Dort ausführliches Literaturverzeichnis), Cossar and Erdelyi, Wagner, K. W. Ferner Dhar, S. C.: On the operational Representation of M-Functions of the confluent hypergeometric type. Phil. Mag. (7) Bd. 25 (1938) S. 416–425.
4. Mac Lachlan, N. W.: Integrals involving Bessel and Struve Functions. Phil. Mag. (7) Bd. 21 (1936) S. 437–448; Operational forms for Bessel and Struve Functions. Ebd. Bd. 23 (1937) S. 762–774, 918–925; Operational forms and contour integrals for Bessel Functions with argument (math) Ebd. Bd. 26 (1938) S. 394–408. Operational forms and contour integrals for Struve and other functions. Ebd. S. 457–466.
5. Lowry, H. V.: Operational calculus. Phil. Mag. (7) Bd. 13 (1932) S. 1033–1048, 1144–1163.