1. a) Multiple Factors in the Causation of Diseases and the Implications of this Concept in their Diagnosis and Management; the First F. I. Harris Memorial Lecture, Mt. Zion Hospital, San Francisco, Calif., Dermatologica 117, No. 5, 407, 1958. b) Multiple Factors in the Causation of Diseases, Rudolf Virchow Society Lecture, New York; Dermatologica, 19; 1960. c) La Multiplicite des Facteurs dans L’etiologie des Maladies; Julliard Revillod Conference, Societé Medicale de Geneve; Revue Medicale de la Suisse Romande LXXX Année No. 12, Decembre 1960. Basiert auf einem Vortrag vor der Pacific Dermatologic Association in Scottsdale, Arizona, 28 April 1964.
2. Bohrod, Milton, G. Questions and Answers, JAMA 188; 2 p 196, April 13, 1964.
3. Keddie, Rees und Epstein, I.A.M.A. 117/16, 1327, Okt. 18, 1941.
4. Mayer, R. L., und Marion B. Sulzberger, Zur Frage der jahreszeitlichen Schwankungen der Krankheiten; Archiv für Dermat. und Syph. 163, 245, 1931.
5. Sulzberger, Marion B. and Mayer, R. L., Sensitizations: Regional, Seasonal, Dietary and other Influences Accounting for Variations and Fluctuations; Archives of Dermat. and Syph. 24, 537, 1934.