1. Adam, J., Augath, W., Boucher, C., Bruyninx, C., Dunkley, P., Gubler, E., Gurtner, W., Hornik, H., Marel, H., Schluter, W., Seeger, H., Vermeer, M., Zielinski, J. (1999) —The European Reference System Coming of Age. Presented at the IUGG General A.ssembly, Birmingham, 1999.
2. Altamimi, Z. (2001) — The ITRS and ETRS89 Relationship: New Results from ITRF2000. Presented at the EUREF Symposium, Dubrovnik, 2001.
3. Bruyninx, C., Kenyeres, A., Takács, B. (2001) — EPN Data and Product Analysis for Improved Velocity Estimation: First Results. (This Volume)
4. EUREF (1991) — Report on the Symposium of the LAG Subcommission for Europe (EUREF) held in Florence, 28 — 31 May 1990. Veröf. D. Bay. Komm. F. d. Intern. Erdm.; Astron-Geod. Arbeiten, Heft Nr. 52, 1992
5. EUREF (1999) — Report on the Symposium of the IAG Subcommission for Europe (EUREF) held in Prague, 2— 5 June 1999. Veröf D. Bay. Komm. F. d. Intern. Erdm.; Astron-Geod. Arbeiten, Heft Nr. 60, 1999.