1. Yee, H.C., Sweby, P.K., Griffiths, D.F.: “Dynamical Approach Study of Spurious Steady-State Numerical Solutions for Nonlinear Differential Equations, Part I, The Dynamics of Time Discretizations and its Implications for Algorithm Development in Computational Fluid Dynamics,” NASA TM-102820, April 1990, also J. Comput. Phys., Vol. 97 (1991).
2. Yee, H.C., Sweby, P.K.: “Dynamical Approach Study of Spurious Steady-State Numerical Solutions for Nonlinear Differential Equations, Part II, The Dynamics of Numerics of Systems of 2 x 2 ODEs and its Connections to Finite Discretizations of PDEs,” NASA Technical Memorandum, 1991.
3. Lafon, A., Yee, H.C.: “Dynamical Approach Study of Spurious Steady-State Numerical Solutions for Nonlinear Differential Equations, Part III, The Effects of Nonlinear Source Terms and Boundary Conditions in Reaction-Convection Equations,” NASA TM-103877, July 1991.
4. Lafon, A., Yee, H.C.: “Dynamical Approach Study of Spurious Steady-State Numerical Solutions of Nonlinear Differential Equations, Part IV, Stability vs. Numerical Treatment of Nonlinear Source Terms,” NASA Technical Memorandum, in preparation.
5. Sweby, P.K., Yee, H.C., Griffiths, D.F.: “On Spurious Steady-State Solutions of Explicit RungeKutta Schemes,” Numerical Analysis Report 3/90, March 1990, Univ. of Reading, also NASA TM-102819, April 1990.