Leakage-Resilient Non-malleable Codes


Aggarwal Divesh,Dziembowski Stefan,Kazana Tomasz,Obremski Maciej


Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Reference38 articles.

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1. Quantum Secure Non-Malleable Codes in the Split-State Model;IEEE Transactions on Information Theory;2024-01

2. Lower Bounds on the Share Size of Leakage Resilient Cheating Detectable Secret Sharing;Cryptology and Network Security;2023

3. The Mother of All Leakages: How to Simulate Noisy Leakages via Bounded Leakage (Almost) for Free;IEEE Transactions on Information Theory;2022-12

4. Non-Malleable Code in the Split-State Model;Entropy;2022-07-28

5. Rate one-third non-malleable codes;Proceedings of the 54th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing;2022-06-09








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