1. Abrahams, D. W., M. F. Lipp, and J. Harlow, “Quantitative Methods of Information Processing System Evaluation”, AD 433. 220, ITT, Paramus, New Jersey, October 1963, 99 + VII pages.
2. Air Force Systems Command, “Advanced Programming Developments: A Survey”, AD 614 704, ESD TR-65–171, Electronic Systems Division in cooperation with Computer Associates, Inc., Bedford, Mass., Feb. 1965, 101 p.
3. Arnold, R. F., H. L. Garner, R. M. Karp, and E. L. Lawler, “Mathematical Models of Information Systems, AD 483–281, Dept. of Elec. Eng., U. of Michigan April 1966, 70 + VIII pages.
4. Am. Standards Assoc., Comm. X3. 6, “Report on Proposed American Standard Flowchart Symbols for Information Processing.” Communications ACM Vol. 6, No. 10, October 1963, p. 599–604.
5. Auerbach Corp., “Interim Report on Computer Performance Effectiveness Evaluation Study”, 1243-TR-I, Philadelphia, PA., Feb. 1965.