1. R. C. Arnold:Phys. Rer.,153, 1523 (1967). andThe next step in high-energy phenomenology. ANL preprint (1968).
2. C. B. Chiu andJ. Finkelstein:Nuoro Cimento.49 A, 92 (1969). (References to previous papers by the same authors are given.)
3. S. Frautsciii andB. Margolis:Multiple scntlering corrections to Pomeranchon exchnnge. preprint CERN Th. 909 (1968).
4. R. J. Glauber:Lectures in Theoretical Physics, vol.1, editorsW. E. Britten et al. (New York, 1959), p. 315.
5. V. N. Gribov:Sov. Phys. JETP. 26, 414 (1968);R. Oehme:Strong interactions and high-energy physics, editorR. G. Moorhouse (many references can be found in this review paper).