1. M. G. Meščerjakov, N. P. Bogačev, B. S. Neganov andE. V. Piskarev:Report of the Institute of Unclear Problems, Academy of Sciences, USSR (1954);
2. B. S. Neganov:Beport of the Institute of Nuclear Problems, Academy of Sciences, USSR. (1954,);Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,99, 955 (1954).
3. M. G. Meščerjakov, B. S. Neganov, N. P. Bogačev andV. M. Sidoeov:Report of the Institute of Nuclear Problems, Academy of Sciences, USSR (1952);
4. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,100, 673 (1955).
5. N. P. Bogacev, I. K. Vzoeov:Beport of the Institute of Nuclear Problems, Academy of Sciences, USSR (April 1954);