1. •The instrumental orchestration literature analysis website (http://www.sebastian-grauwin.com/InstrumentalOrchestration/) provides extended information on the corpora of this case study and the methods used, and offers tools for exploring the clusters.
2. •The 19 items marked below with an * are part of the core corpus of the literature database.
3. Artigue, M. (2002). Learning mathematics in a CAS environment: The genesis of a reflection about instrumentation and the dialectics between technical and conceptual work. International Journal of Computer for Mathematical Learning, 7(3), 245–274.
4. Balacheff, N. (1994). Didactique et intelligence artificielle. Recherches en Didactique des Mathématiques, 14(1/2), 9–42.
5. Bellemain, F., & Trouche, L. (2016). Comprendre le travail des professeurs avec les ressources de leur enseignement, un questionnement didactique et informatique, I Simpósio Latinoamericano de Didática da Matemática, 01 a 06 de novembro de 2016. Brasil: Bonito-Mato Grosso do Sul. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6OphkgfrkD3ZFRtTDJ2anRfSWM/view.