1. Bronstein, M. (1987), “Integration of Elementary Functions,” Ph.D. thesis, Dpt. of Mathematics, Univ. of California, Berkeley.
2. Bronstein, M. (1988), The Transcendental Risch Differential Equation, Journal of Symbolic Computation (to appear). Also IBM Research Report RC 13460.
3. Char, B. W., Geddes, K.O., Gonnet, G. O., Watt, S. M. (1985), “Maple Users's Guide,” WATCOM Publ. Ltd., Waterloo, Ontario.
4. Davenport, J. H. (1984), Intégration algorithmique des fonctions élémentairement transcendantes sur une courbe algébrique, Annales de l'Institut Fourier 34 fasc.2, 271–276.
5. Davenport, J. H. (1986), The Risch Differential Equation Problem, SIAM Journal on Computing 15, No.4, 903–918. Also Technical Report 83-4, Dpt. of Computer and Information Sciences, Univ. of Delaware.