1. Abiteboul S., Bidoit N., “Non First Normal Form Relations to Represent Hierarchically Organized Data”, Proc. of ACM-SIGMOD Conf. on Principles of Database Systems, Atlanta, 1984, pp. 191–200, in Journal of Computer Science and Systems, December 86.
2. Abiteboul, S., C. Beeri. “On the Power of Languages for the Manipulation of Complex Objects”, INRIA Research Report, No 846, 78153 Le Chesnay, France, May 1988.
3. Abiteboul, S., R. Hull, “IFO: a Formal Semantic Database Model”, Proc. of ACM-SIGMOD Conf. on Principles of Database Systems, Waterloo, 1984.
4. Bancilhon F. et al, “VERSO: A Relational Back End Data Base Machine”, Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on Database Machines, San Diego, September 1982, also in “Advanced Database Machine Architecture”, D.K. Hsiao Editor, Prentice-Hall 1983, pp. 1–18.
5. Bancilhon et al, “FAD, a Powerfull and Simple Database Language”, Proc. Inter. Conf on Very Large Data Bases, Brighton, 1987.