1. Jaccoud, J. P., ‘Minimum reinforcement for control of cracking in concrete structures’, Thèse No 666. (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 1987) (only available in French).
2. Bulletin d'information;R. Favre,1985
3. Reinhardt, H. W., ‘Imposed deformation and cracking’ IABSE Report62 (Zurich, 1991). 101–110.
4. Nagy, A., ‘Cracking in reinforced concrete structures due to imposed deformations’, Doctoral Thesis, TVBK-1012, (Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden, 1997).
5. ACI 207. 2R-73, ‘Effect of restraint volume change and reinforcement on cracking of massive concrete’, (American Concrete Institute, 1973).