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2. Bittanti S. and P. Bolzern, Can the Kalman canonical decomposition be performed for a discrete-time linear periodic system?, 1st Latin American Conference on Automatica, Campina Grande, Brasil, 1984, 449–453.
3. Bittanti S. and P. Bolzern, Canonical decomposition of discrete-time linear systems, 23th Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, 1984, 1984, 1737, 1738.
4. Bittanti S. and P. Bolzern, Four equivalent notions of stabilizability of periodic linear systems, 3rd American Control Conference, San Diego, 1984, 1321–1323.
5. Bittanti S. and P. Bolzern, Reachability and controllability of discrete-time linear systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 30, 1985, 399–491.