1. Participants in the IDOE interlaboratory analyses workshop, 1975 (1976). Comparison determinations of lead by investigators analyzing individual samples of sea water in both their home laboratory and in an isotope dilution standardization laboratory. Marine Chemistry 4, 389–392.
2. Sugawara, K. (1978). Interlaboratory comparison of the determination of mercury and cadmium in sea and fresh waters. Deep-Sea Res. 25, 323–332.
3. Kremling, K. (1977). Report of Group 2 (Trace Metals). In: Baltic Intercalibration Workshop (7–19, March, 1977 ).
4. Jones, P.G.W. (1976). A preliminary report on the ICES intercalibration of sea water samples for the analysis of trace metals. ICES CM 1977/E: 16.
5. Bewers, J.M., G. Topping and H. Windom. (1978). Status and plans regarding ICES intercalibrations for trace metals in sea water. ICES CM 1978/E: 27.