1. J. M. Radovich, P. G. Risser, T. G. Shannon, C. F. Pomeroy, S. S. Sofer, and C. M. Sliep-cevich, Evaluation of the Potential for Producing Liquid Fuels from Biomaterials, Electric Power Research Institute, Final Report AF-974 (January, 1979), pp. 3–1 to 3–7.
2. P. N. Chereminisoff and A. C. Morresi, Energy from Solid Wastes, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York (1976), Chapter 15, pp. 363–411.
3. S. M. Kohan and P. M. Barkhordar, Mission Analysis for the Federal Fuels from Biomass Program, IV: Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass to Fuels and Chemicals, Final Report prepared by SRI International for the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract EY-76-C-03-0115 PA131 (January, 1979), NTIS SAN-0115-T3.
4. J. L. Jones, S. M. Kohan, and K. T. Semrau, Mission Analysis for the Federal Fuels from Biomass Program, Volume VI: Mission Addendum, Final Report prepared by SRI International under Contract EY-76-C-0115 PA131 (January, 1979), pp. 51–90, NTIS SAN-0115-T4.
5. J. L. Jones, R. C. Phillips, S. Takaoka, and F. M. Lewis, Proceedings of the ASME Eighth Biennial National Waste Processing Conference, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, (May, 1978).