Short-term effects of deoxynivalenol, T-2 toxin, fumonisin B1 or ochratoxin on lipid peroxidation and glutathione redox system and its regulatory genes in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) liver


Kövesi BenjáminORCID,Kulcsár SzabinaORCID,Zándoki ErikaORCID,Szabó-Fodor JuditORCID,Mézes MiklósORCID,Balogh KrisztiánORCID,Ancsin ZsoltORCID,Pelyhe CsillaORCID


AbstractThe effects of a single oral dose of 1.82 mg kg−1bw of T-2 and HT-2 toxin (T-2), 1.75 mg kg−1bw deoxynivalenol (DON) and 15-acetyl DON, 1.96 mg kg−1bw fumonisin B1(FB1) or 1.85 mg kg−1bw ochratoxin A (OTA) were investigated in common carp juveniles on lipid peroxidation, the parameters of the glutathione redox system including the expression of their encoding genes in a short-term (24 h) experiment. Markers of the initiation phase of lipid peroxidation, conjugated dienes, and trienes, were slightly affected by DON and OTA treatment at 16-h sampling. The termination marker, malondialdehyde, concentration increased only as an effect of FB1. Glutathione content and glutathione peroxidase activity showed significantly higher levels in the T-2 and FB1groups at 8 h, and in the DON and FB1groups at 16 h. The expression of glutathione peroxidase genes (gpx4a, gpx4b) showed a dual response. Downregulation ofgpxawas observed at 8 h, as the effect of DON, FB1, and OTA, but an upregulation in the T-2 group. At 16 hgpx4aupregulated as an effect of DON, T-2, and FB1,and at 24 h in the DON and T-2 groups. Expression ofgpx4bdownregulated at 8 h, except in the T-2 group, and upregulation observed as an effect of T-2 at 24 h. The lack of an increase in the expression ofnrf2,except as the effect of DON at 8 h, and a decrease in thekeap1expression suggests that the antioxidant defence system was activated at gene and protein levels through Keap1–Nrf2 independent pathways.


Emberi Eroforrások Minisztériuma


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Aquatic Science,General Medicine,Physiology,Biochemistry

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