1. “UEPS — A Second Generation Electronic Wallet”, RJ Anderson, in Computer Security — ESORICS 92, Springer LNCS v 648 pp 411–418
2. RJ Anderson, “Why Cryptosystems Fail”, in Communications of the ACM v 37 no 11 (November 1994) pp 32–40
3. “Cryptographic Credit Control in Pre-payment Metering Systems”, RJ Anderson, SJ Bezuidenhout, Proceedings, 1995 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy pp 15–23
4. “Programming Satan's Computer”, RJ Anderson and RM Needham, in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science volume 1000
5. “Fast Server-Aided RSA Signatures Secure Against Active Attacks”, P Béguin, JJ Quisquater, Advances in Cryptology — CRYPTO 95, Springer LNCS 963 pp 57–69