1. P.V. ANGUS-LEPPAN, 1980: Refraction in leveling: extension to the stable and neutral atmospheric conditions.Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Problems Related to the Redefinition of North American Vertical Geodetic Network, Canadian Institute of Surveying, Ottawa, Canada, May 26–30, 677–689.
2. P. V. ANGUS-LEPPAN, 1979: Refraction in leveling—its variation with ground slope and meteorological conditions,Australian Journal of Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Surveying, No. 31, 27–41.
3. P. V. ANGUS-LEPPAN, 1971: Heat balance and refraction in the lower atmosphere.Proceedings of the Conference of Commonwealth Survey Officers, Cambridge, England, HMSO, 107–111.
4. P. V. ANGUS-LEPPAN, 1970: Heat balance and refraction in lower atmosphere.Proceedings of the Conference on Densification of Geodetic Networks, Budapest, Hungary.
5. F.K. BRUNNER, 1978: Experimental Determination of the Coefficients of Refraction from Heat Flux Measurements.Proceedings of the International Symposium, EDM, and Influence on Atmospheric Refraction Richardus, P. (editor), Wageningen, Netherlands Geodetic Commission, 245–255.