Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Reference4 articles.
1. Caldeira A. O., Leggett A. J. (1983): Physica 121A, 587; (1985) Phys Rev A31, 1057. See also the paper by W. Unruh W., Zurek W. (1989): Phys Rev D40, 1071 where a field model for coherence instead of the oscillator model for calculating the density matrix of an oscillator coupled to a heat bath.
2. Many of the points made here have also been made by A. Leggett. See for exampleLeggett A. J. (1990). In Baeriswyl D., Bishop A. R., Carmelo J. (Eds.) Applications of Statistical and Field Theory Methods to Condensed Matter, Proc. 1989 Nato Summer School, Evora, Portugal. Plenum Press and (1998) Macroscopic Realism: What is it, andWhat do we know about it from Experiment. In Healey R. A., Hellman G. (Eds.), Quantum Measurement: Beyond Paradox, U. Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.
3. See for example the detailed analysis of the density matrix of a spin 1/2 system in an oscillator heat bath, where the so calledsup erohmic coupling to the heat bath leads to a rapid loss of coherence due to frequencies in the bath much higher than the frequency of the system under study.Leggett A. J. et al. (1987): Rev. Mod. Phys 59, 1.
4. This topic is a long standing one. For a review seeLandauer R. and Martin T. (1994): Reviews of Modern Physics 66, 217.
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