1. J. J. Alferes, J. A. Leite, L. M. Pereira, H. Przymusinska, and T. Przymusinski. Dynamic updates of non-monotonic knowledge bases. Journal of Logic Programming, 45(1–3):43–70, 2000. A short version titled Dynamic Logic Programming appeared in A. Cohn and L. Schubert (eds.), KR’98, Morgan Kaufmann.
2. J. J. Alferes, J. A. Leite, L. M. Pereira, and P. Quaresma. Planning as abductive updating. In D. Kitchin, editor, Proceedings of the AISB’ 00 Symposium on AI Planning and Intelligent Agents, pages 1–8. AISB, 2000.
3. J. J. Alferes, L. M. Pereira, H. Przymusinska, and T. Przymusinski. LUPS: A language for updating logic programs. Artificial Intelligence, 2001. To appear. A short version appeared in M. Gelfond, N. Leone and G. Pfeifer (eds.), LPNMR-99, LNAI 1730, Springer.
4. J. J. Alferes, L. M. Pereira, T. Przymusinski, H. Przymusinska, and P. Quaresma. An exercise with dynamic logic programming. In L. Garcia and M. Chiara Meo, editors, Proceedings of the 2000 Joint Conference on Declarative Programming (AGP-00), 2000.
5. M. Fisher. A survey of concurrent METATEM: The language and its applications. In Dov M. Gabbay and Hans Jürgen Ohlbach, editors, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Temporal Logic, volume 827 of LNAI, pages 480–505, Berlin, 1994. Springer.