1. Ferri,A., and Clarke,J.H. On the Use of Interfering Flow Fields for the Reduction of Drag at Supersonic Speeds, Journal of the Aeron. Sciences, Vol. 24, nr. 1, p. 1. January 1957.
2. Ferri,A., Clarke,J.H., and Ting,L., Favourable Interference in Lifting Systems in Supersonic Flow, Journ. of the Aeron. Sciences, Vol. 24, nr. 11, p. 791, January 1957.
3. Reyn,J. W., and Clarke,J. H. An Assessment of Body-Lift Contributions and of Linearized Theory for some Particular Wing-Body Configurations, Pibal Rep. nr. 305, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, June 1956.
4. Ward,G. N. Linearized Theory of Steady High Speed Flow, Cambridge University Press, 1955.
5. Portnoy,H. The Flow Past a Delta-Wing-Half-Cone Combination with Subsonic Leading Edges, The Aeron. Quarterly, Vol. XV, p.311, November 1964.