1. R.A. Wallis et al., “Modeling the Heat Treatment of Superalloy Forgings,” JOM, 41(2) (1989), pp. 35–37.
2. W. Craighead and O.L. Towers, “Modeling of Heat Treatment Processes and Prediction of Residual Stresses” (Paper presented at 6th World Congress in Finite Element Methods, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 1–5 October 1990).
3. A.B. Shapiro and A.L. Edwards, TOPAZ Heat Transfer Code Users Manual and Thermal Property Data Base, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories Report UCRL-1D104558 (May 1990).
4. J.O. Hallquist, LS-NIKE2D, A Vectorized Implicit Finite Deformation Code for Analyzing the Static and Dynamic Response of 2-D Solids with Interactive Rezoning and Graphics, Livermore Software Technology Report 1006 (July 1990).
5. T. Edwards and I. Armstrong, SC01 Users Manual, Rolls-Royce Pic. U.K.