1. E. J. Underwood,Trace Elements in Human and Animal Nutrition, 4th ed; Academic, New York, NY, 1977.
2. A. S. Prasad (Ed.),Trace Elements in Human Health and Disease, Academic, New York, NY, vol. 1 and II, 1976.
3. Toxicology of Metals, vol. II, US Environmental Protection Agency, Las Vegas, NV, EPA 600/1-77-022, May, 1977.
4. M. Abdullah, B. Nair, and R. K. Chandra (eds.), Proc. Int. Symp. on Health Effects and Interactions of Essential and Toxic Elements, Lund, Sweden, 1984.
5. WHO Tech. Report No. 276 on Prevention of Cancer, WHO Scientific Group, Genera, 1964.