1. Anon. (1974a). Drilling for oil from artificial islands in the Beaufort Sea, Polar Rec., 17, 172–173.
2. Anon. (1974b). Petroleum exploration in Svalbard, Polar Rec., 17, 319–325.
3. Anon. (1975). Exploratory oil wells on the Alaskan North Slope, Polar Rec., 17, 688–692.
4. Anon. (1976). Panarctic oil strike, Polar Rec., 18, 177–178.
5. Anon. (1977). Probable Behaviour and Fate of a Winter Oil Spill in the Beaufort Sea (Fisheries and Environment Canada Technology Devt. Rep. EPS-4-EC-77–5), NORCOR Research & Engng Co, Yellowknife (NWT), 111pp.