1. Ronald Schuchard, ‘Eliot and Hulme in 1916: Toward a Revaluation of Eliot’s Critical and Spiritual Development’, PMLA, 88 (Oct 1973) 1085.
2. On Edwardian fears of degeneration and physical deterioration, see Tom Gibbons, Rooms in the Darwin Hotel (Nedlands, Western Australia, 1973) 25-6, 34-5
3. Samuel Hynes, The Edwardian Turn of Mind (1968) 19-33.
4. David S. Thatcher, Nietzsche in England 1890–1914 (Toronto, 1970) 42.
5. WdB, II, 776–7, 786–9, 825–6, 833–4, 881–3, 899–900, 979–82.