1. A. Dallin and G. Lapidus, ‘Reagan and the Russians: American Policy Towards the Soviet Union’, in K. Oye, R. Lieber and D. Rothschild (eds), Eagle Resurgent? The Reagan Era in American Foreign Policy (Boston: Little, Brown, 1987) p. 207.
2. Allocation of Resources in the Soviet Union and China 1985. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Economic Resources, Competitiveness and Security Economics, of the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, Washington DC, 1986, p. 36.
3. S. Huntington, ‘The Defence Policy of the Reagan Administration 1981–82’, in F. Greenstein (ed), The Reagan Presidency: An Early Assessment (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983)
4. D. Calleo, Beyond American Hegemony: The Future of the Western Alliance (New York: Basic Books, 1987) p. 116.
5. R. Stubbing, ‘The Defense Program. Build-up or Binge!’, Foreign Affairs, vol. 63, no. 4, 1985, p. 848.