1. “Mechanizm of Bond Zone Wave Formation,” G. R. Cowan, O. R. Bergmann and A. H. Holtzman, to be published in the Transaction of the Metallurgical Society of AIME (1969)
2. “Applications of Explosion-Bonded Clads”, J. M. Stone, Metal Construction, No. 1 (January, 1969)
3. “Fundamentals of Explosive Welding”, B. Crossland and A. S. Bahrani, Contemporary Physics Vol. 9, No. 1, p. 71–87 (1968)
4. “Manufacture and Testing of Hollow Forgings with Explosion-Bonded Clad Bores”, J. Buchwald and S. L. Fleishman, ASME paper 68-PET-18 (1968)
5. “Use of Detaclad Explosion-Bonded Transition Joints in Fused Salt Electrolytic Processes”, T. J. Enright and N. F. Bailey, Paper presented at AIME Extractice Metallurgy Division Symposium on Electrometallurgy (December, 1968)