1. Beer, John J. (1959) The Emergence of the German Dye Industry (Urbana: University of Illinois Press; reprinted New York: Arno, 1981).
2. Brock, William H. (1976) ‘James Alfred Wanklyn’, in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York: Scribner’s) XIV: 168–70.
3. Caro, Heinrich (1866) ‘On the Formation of Rosolic Acid and Rosaniline’, Philosophical Magazine, vol. 32, pp. 126–32.
4. Caro, Heinrich (1892) ‘Ueber die Entwickelung der Theerfarben-Industrie’, Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft, vol. 25, pp. 955–1105.
5. Caro, Heinrich and Peter Griess (1867) ‘Vorlaufige Notiz uber das Phenylenbraun’, Zeitschrift für Chemie, vol. 3, pp. 278–80.