1. Acs, Zoltan J. and David B. Audretsch (1987) ‘Innovation, Market Structure and Firm Size’, Review of Economics and Statistics, 69(4) (November), pp.567–75.
2. Acs, Zoltan J. and David B. Audretsch (1988a)’Innovation in Large and Small Firms: An Empirical Analysis’, American Economic Review78(4), pp.678–90.
3. Acs, Zoltan J. and David B. Audretsch (1988b) ‘R&D and Small Firms’, Testimony before the Subcommittee on Monopolies and Commercial Law, Committee on the Judiciary, US House of Representatives (24 February).
4. Acs, Zoltan J. and David B. Audretsch (1989) ‘Patents as a Measure of Innovative Activity’, Kyklos, 42, pp. 171–80.
5. Acs, Zoltan J. and David B. Audretsch (1991) ‘R&D, Firm Size and Innovative Activity’, in Zoltan J. Acs and David B. Audretsch (eds) Innovation and Technological Change: An International Comparison ( Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press ), pp. 39–59.