1. I. Goodwin, ‘R&D budget for fiscal 1987: Life at the threshold of pain’, Physics Today, vol. 39, no. 5 (May 1986) pp. 55–60; ‘R&D enriched by 1988 budget but science policy impoverished’, ibid., vol. 40, no. 5 (May 1987) pp. 59–65; ‘Reagan’s R&D Budget Looks Great, But Congress has some other Ideas’, ibid., vol. 41, no. 4 (April 1988) pp. 55–61; ‘Numbers Game: Bush’s 1990 R&D Budget Uses Reagan’s Figures in Making Deals’, ibid., vol. 42, no. 5 (May 1989) pp. 43–9; and ‘Future Shocks: Bush’s 1991 Budget Boosts R&D, But Deficit Threatens It’, ibid., vol. 43, no. 6 (June 1990) pp. S1–S8. See also ‘House Approves $238-Billion Pentagon Spending Plans with Deeper SDI Cuts’, Aviation Week and Space Technology [hereafter AW and ST], 24 September 1990, p. 23; and W. J. Broad, ‘Congress Deals Near-Fatal Blow to the “Star” of “Star Wars” Shield’, New York Times, 21 October 1990, p. 16.
2. C. A. Robinson, ‘BMD Homing Interceptor Destroys Reentry Vehicle’, AW and ST, 18 June 1984, pp. 19–20
3. T. M. Foley, ‘sDIO Forging Flight Test Plans for Controversial Weapons Concept’, ibid., 23 November 1987, pp. 57–61.
4. US Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, SDI Technology, Survivability and Software (Princeton, New Jersey, 1988) pp. 112, 168.
5. C. Covault, ‘sDI Delta 181 Achieves Battle Satellite Data Goal’, AW and ST, 15 February 1988, pp. 14–16; and ‘Delta 181 Shows Discrimination of Warheads Easier Than Projected’, ibid., 7 March 1988, pp. 22–3.