1. B. Bischoff, ‘Wer ist die Nonne von Heidenheim?’, Studien und Mitteilungen zur Geschichte des Benediktinerordens, 49 (1931), 387–97;
2. and P. Dronke, Women Writers of the Middle Ages (Cambridge, 1984), 33–4.
3. Lupus de Fernères, Correspondence, ed. L. Levillain (Paris, 1927), 52–6, see esp. 52–4. The letters of Lupus of Ferneres, trans. G. W. Regenos (The Hague, 1966), 18–19.
4. T. Head, Hagiography and the Cult of Saints. The Diocese of Orleans, 800–1200 (Cambridge, 1990), 83.
5. Three Lives of English Saints, ed. M. Winterbottom (Toronto, 1972), 67; and Head, Hagiography, 79.