1. Abdulghani, Jasim M. (1984) Iraq and Iran: The Years of Crisis ( Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University Press).
2. Abrahamian, Ervand (1982) Iran: Between Two Revolutions (Princeton University Press).
3. Adami’yat, Fereydoun (1976) Idi’olozhi-ye Nahzat-i Mashrutiyat-i Iran (The Ideology of the Constitutional Movement in Iran) (Tehran, Iran: Payam Publications).
4. Adami’yat, Fereydoun (1981) Shourish bar Imtiyaz’ name-ye Rizhi (Rebel-lion Against the Regie Concession) (Tehran, Iran: Payam Publications).
5. Adams, Charles C. (1968) Islam and Modernism in Egypt ( New York: Russell & Russell).