1. Nagel, S. S. (1982), Policy evaluation: Making optimum decisions (New York: Praeger) 179–254.
2. Nagel, S. S. (1983), “Lawyer decision making threshold analysis”, U. Miami Law Review, 37, 615–42.
3. Nagel, S. S. (1984), Public policy: Goals, means, and methods (New York: St. Martin’s Press).
4. Nagel, S. S. (1985a), “Microcomputers, risk analysis, and litigation strategy”, Akron Law Review, 19, 35–64.
5. Nagel, S. S. (1985b), “Policy/goal percentaging as a form of multi-criteria decision-making”, in Y. Y. Haimes and V. Chankong (eds), Decisionmaking with multiple objectives (New York: Springer-Verlag).