Connecting sustainability and computer science curricula through website learning projects embedding different types of student-generated content


Blanco José MiguelORCID,Domínguez CésarORCID,Jaime ArturoORCID,Usandizaga ImanolORCID


AbstractTeaching and learning methods that are related to student-generated content (SGC) seem a promising strategy for including sustainable development goals (SDGs) in education (established as a fundamental cornerstone in the achievement of these goals by the United Nations). This paper describes the inclusion of SDGs through the implementation of website learning projects, whose products are SGC where materials developed by students can be made available to other students (from the same or different courses) in Project Management subjects of the Degree in Computer Science. The method has trialled at two different universities working in a coordinated way. A total of 301 students developed these projects with which they completed the content of the subject, in addition to achieving learning with respect to the SDGs, increasing their understanding of the impact of information and communication technologies on the SDGs, and their awareness of the related problems. We also found that more learning is perceived with information search and content generation activities than with those that focus on the use of materials produced by peers. Finally, it is observed that the method has similar results in different contexts and with different groups of students.


Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain

Universidad de la Rioja


Springer Science and Business Media LLC







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