1. Carter, J. (2010). Diagrams and proofs in analysis. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 24, 1–14.
2. Carter, J. (2012a). The role of representations in mathematical reasoning. Philosophia Scientiae, 16(1), 55–70.
3. Carter, J. (2012b). The role of representations for understanding. Notae Philosophicae Scientiae Formalis, 1(2), 135–147.
4. Carter, J. (forthcoming). Graph-algebras—Faithful representations and mediating objects in mathematics. To appear in the special issue ‘Tools of reason: The practice of scientific diagramming from antiquity to the present’ in the journal Endeavour.
5. Catton, P., & Montelle, C. (2012). To diagram, to demonstrate: To do, to see, and to judge in Greek geometry. Philosophia Mathematica, 20, 25–57.