1. Havlock V. Air Pollution Assessment of Sydney Steel’s Present and Future Steel-making Operations, Sydney, Nova Scotia. Internal Report, Air Pollution Control Directorate, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, 1973.
2. Choquette PI. Air Pollution Assessment of Sydney Steel’s Present and Future Coke-making Operations, Sydney, Nova Scotia. Internal Report APDC 74-1, Air Pollution Control Directorate, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, 1974.
3. Nova Scotia Department of the Environment. Analysis of the Process Effluent from Sydney Steel Mill, Sydney, NS. March, 1974.
4. Walker J. Sydney Tar Ponds Clean-Up Ambient Air Monitoring Program. Report 91-144T-6, Rowan Williams Davies & Irwin, Guelph, Ontario, 1991.
5. Environment Canada. The Rebirth of Muggah Creek: An Overview of the Ten Year Sydney Tar Ponds Clean-up Project. Catalogue EN40-362/1988E, Ottawa, Ontario, 1988.