Ideal cardiovascular health among Ghanaian populations in three European countries and rural and urban Ghana: the RODAM study


van Nieuwenhuizen Benjamin,Zafarmand Mohammad Hadi,Beune Erik,Meeks Karlijn,Aikins Ama de-Graft,Addo Juliet,Owusu-Dabo Ellis,Mockenhaupt Frank P.,Bahendeka Silver,Schulze Matthias B.,Danquah Ina,Spranger Joachim,Klipstein-Grobusch Kerstin,Appiah Lambert Tetteh,Smeeth Liam,Stronks Karien,Agyemang Charles


Seventh Framework Programme

Wellcome Trust

Deutsches Zentrum für Herz-Kreislaufforschung

Berliner Institut fur Gesundheitsforschung


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Emergency Medicine,Internal Medicine

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