1. Grill M., Keskin M.T., Bargende M., Fasse S., Hann S. (2019) Concept Studies 2025+: Challenging Tasks in 0D/1D Engine Simulation. In: Liebl J. (eds) Ladungswechsel und Emissionierung 2018. Proceedings. Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden.
2. Malcher, S., Bargende, M., Grill, M., Baretzky, U., Diel, H., Wohlgemuth, S., & Röttger, G. (2018). Investigation of Flame Propagation Description in Quasi-Dimensional Spark Ignition Engine Modeling (No. 2018-01-1655). SAE Technical Paper.
3. Hann, Sebastian, Michael Grill, and Michael Bargende. “Laminare Flammengeschwindigkeit Abmagerung und Hochlast-Abgasrückführung in der Motorsimulation.” MTZ-Motortechnische Zeitschrift 79.4 (2018): 28–35.
4. Hann, Sebastian, Michael Grill, and Michael Bargende. Reaction Kinetics Calculations and Modeling of the Laminar Flame Speeds of Gasoline Fuels. No. 2018-01-0857. SAE Technical Paper, 2018.
5. J. B. Heywood, Internal combustion Engine Fundamentals, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1988.