Phagotrophic protists (protozoa) in Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems: diversity, distribution, ecology, and best research practices


Thompson Andrew R.ORCID


AbstractPhagotrophic protists (formerly protozoa) are a highly diverse, polyphyletic grouping of generally unicellular, heterotrophic eukaryotes that are key regulators of the soil microbiome. The biodiversity and ecology of soil phagotrophic protists are still largely uncharacterized, especially in the Antarctic, which possesses some of the harshest terrestrial environments known and potentially many physiologically unique and scientifically interesting species. Antarctic soil systems are also highly limited in terms of moisture, temperature, and carbon, and the resulting reduced biological complexity can facilitate fine-tuned investigation of the drivers and functioning of microbial communities. To facilitate and encourage future research into protist biodiversity and ecology, especially in context of the broader functioning of Antarctic terrestrial communities, I review the biodiversity, distribution, and ecology of Antarctic soil phagotrophic protists. Biodiversity appears to be highly structured by region and taxonomic group, with the Antarctic Peninsula having the highest taxonomic diversity and ciliates (Ciliophora) being the most diverse taxonomic group. However, richness estimates are likely skewed by disproportionate sampling (over half of the studies are from the peninsula), habitat type bias (predominately moss-associated soils), investigator bias (toward ciliates and the testate amoeba morphogroup), and methodological approach (toward cultivation and morphological identification). To remedy these biases, a standardized methodology using both morphological and molecular identification and increased emphasis on microflagellate and naked amoeba morphogroups is needed. Additionally, future research should transition away from biodiversity survey studies to dedicated ecological studies that emphasize the function, ecophysiology, endemicity, dispersal, and impact of abiotic drivers beyond moisture and temperature.


National Science Foundation


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences







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